Terms and conditions


Store operator:

Eighty8 s.r.o.

Registered office: Havlíčkova 75, Frýdlant nad Ostravicí, 73911

ID number: 08337349

VAT number: CZ08337349

The company is registered in the commercial register kept at the Regional Court in Ostrava, section C, insert 79198.



E-mail: info@eighty8.cz

Telephone contact: +420 724 088 188

Bank connection: Raiffeisen bank

IBAN: CZ7555000000001637959002



Terms and conditions for consumers


1.General provision

1.1. These terms and conditions govern the mutual rights and obligations of the contracting parties arising on the basis consumer contracts (especially purchase contracts) concluded through an online store between the supplier on the one side and consumer on the other, or rights and obligations arising in connection with the mentioned contracts.


1.2. By concluding a consumer contract (especially purchase contract), the consumer confirms that they have familiarized themselves with these terms and conditions and that they agree with them. At the same time, the consumer confirms that they were sufficiently informed of these terms and conditions before placing the binding order and thus had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with them. The concluded consumer contract is archived by the supplier for the purpose of its successful fulfillment and is not accessible to third parties. Information on the individual technical steps leading to the conclusion of the consumer contract can be seen from the ordering process in the online store, and the consumer had the opportunity to check and possibly correct it before sending the order. These terms and conditions are displayed on the website of the online store and thus their archiving and reproduction by the consumer is enabled.


1.3. The use of illustrative images, graphics or texts used by the supplier in his online store is only possible with their consent.


2. Definitions

When interpreting these terms and conditions, the terms below will be interpreted as follows:


"supplier" is Eighty8 s.r.o. with registered office at Havlíčkova 75, Frýdlant nad Ostravicí, 73911 ID number 08337349


"Online purchase" is the supplier's e-shop located on the Internet domain located at www.eighty8.cz


"OZ" is Act No. 89/2012 Coll., Civil Code


"consumer" is a physical person who, outside the scope of his business activity or outside the scope of independent performance of his profession, concludes a contract with the supplier (especially a purchase contract) or deals with them in another way ( § 419 OZ)


"consumer contract" is a contract concluded by a consumer with a supplier. When the stated condition is met, it is understood in particular as a purchase contract


"consumer contract" is a contract concluded by a consumer with a supplier. When the stated condition is met, it is understood in particular as a purchase contract


"Consumer Protection Act" is Act No. 634/1992 Coll., on Consumer Protection, as amended


"Act on the Protection of Personal Data" is Act No. 101/2000 Coll., on the Protection of Personal Data and on Amendments to Certain Acts, as amended


"goods" is a movable thing that is the subject of sale in the online store


3. Registration

3.1. Based on the consumer's registration in the online store, the consumer can access his account. Through his account, the consumer is entitled to create binding orders for goods (after referred to as "consumer's account"). The consumer can also create binding orders for goods in the online store without registration.


3.2. When registering in accordance with section 3.1 of these terms and conditions and when creating a binding order for goods, the consumer is obliged to provide all information truthfully. The data provided by the consumer in the consumer's account and when creating a binding order for goods are considered correct and up-to-date by the supplier.


3.3. Access to the consumer's account is secured by a username and password. The consumer is obliged to keep this data confidential. The consumer is not authorized to allow third parties to use the consumer's account.

3.4. The consumer understands that the consumer's account may not be available continuously (especially for operational or technical reasons). The supplier reserves the right to cancel the consumer's account in the event that the consumer violates his obligations under the consumer contract or these terms and conditions.


4. Conclusion of a consumer contract

4.1. On the website of the online store, the consumer will find the goods advertised by the supplier for sale, including the price at which the goods are offered. The prices of the goods are listed including tax. The consumer will always be familiar with the price of the goods including tax and any other fees in connection with the sale of goods when creating a binding order in the online store. The product offer and prices remain valid for as long as they are displayed on the website of the online store.


4.2. It is valid that the acceptance of the binding order by the supplier has resulted in the conclusion of a consumer contract in accordance with these terms and conditions, while the consumer agrees to the terms and conditions as amended at the time of sending the binding order and is bound by them at the time of the conclusion of the consumer contract. For the avoidance of doubt, the supplier expressly states that the provisions of § 1732 paragraph 2 of the Civil Code do not apply. Acceptance of goods by the consumer from the supplier has the same consequences as confirmation of a binding order by the supplier according to the previous sentence.


4.3. To order goods, the consumer fills out the order form on the website of the online store. The order for goods created on the website of the online store is a proposal for concluding a purchase contract. Before sending the order to the supplier, the consumer is allowed to check and change the data that he entered in the order, also taking into account the possibility of the consumer to detect and correct errors that occurred when entering data into the order. Product prices are valid at the time the order is placed.


4.4 The consumer is obliged to provide the supplier in the binding order with the necessary data required for the successful fulfillment of the order (i.e. determination of the delivery method, name exactly according to the identity card, delivery address, etc.).


4.5. After sending the binding order, the supplier informs the consumer about the acceptance of this order (this is also the acceptance of the consumer's order), by e-mail to the address that the consumer indicated in the binding order. The supplier is always entitled, depending on the nature of the order (quantity of goods, amount of the purchase price, estimated transport costs) to ask the consumer for additional confirmation of the order. The message of acceptance of the order is considered to be the acceptance of the offer to conclude a consumer contract made by the consumer, and thus the consumer contract is also concluded. The supplier is not obliged to accept (confirm) the order. If the order is not confirmed, the contract does not come into being. This also applies in the event that the ordered performance becomes impossible, because the ordered goods are no longer produced, or are not supplied to the market accessible by the supplier, or are unavailable for a long time through no fault of the supplier.


4.6. If goods are sold out of stock between the time the consumer's order is sent and its acceptance, the consumer will be contacted by telephone or e-mail by the supplier in order to specify the delivery time and subsequently confirm, change or cancel the order.


4.7. The consumer agrees to the use of means of distance communication when concluding a consumer contract. The costs incurred by the consumer when using such means in connection with the conclusion of the consumer contract (costs of internet connection, costs of telephone calls, etc.) are borne exclusively by the consumer.


4.8. The contract can be concluded in the Czech language.


5. Product price and payment terms

5.1. The prices of the goods sold are updated daily by the supplier and the current prices are listed on the website of the online store. Prices are valid at the time of sending the binding order and are final, i.e. including tax. Before placing an order, the consumer has the opportunity to find out how long the offer or price remains valid. If there is a change in the legal tax rate between the moment of ordering the goods and the date of feasible performance, the supplier will adjust the price including tax depending on the change in the legal tax rate, with the consumer being obliged to pay the supplier the price thus changed.


5.2. The supplier enables the consumer to pay the purchase price when receiving the goods (cash on delivery) or by transferring the price to the supplier's bank account designated for this purpose. In the case of payment in cash or cash on delivery, the purchase price is payable upon receiving of the goods. In the case of non-cash payment, the purchase price is payable within 3 days from the conclusion of the purchase contract.


5.3. In the case of payment by bank transfer, the consumer is obliged to pay the price of the goods together with the indication of the variable payment symbol. In the case of non-cash payment, the consumer's obligation to pay the price of the goods is fulfilled when the relevant amount is credited to the supplier's account.


5.4. Together with the price of the goods, the consumer is obliged to pay the supplier the costs associated with the packaging and delivery of the goods to the consumer in the agreed amount. The consumer is always informed of the price of these items when creating a binding order.


5.5. Any discounts on the price of goods provided by the supplier to the consumer can be combined with each other only if so stated in the price list.


5.6. Based on the consumer contract, the supplier issues a tax document to the consumer.


6. Transport, personal collection and delivery of goods


6.1. Goods will be delivered as soon as possible, depending on product availability and the supplier's operational capabilities. The place of collection and the method of delivery of the goods are determined by the consumer in the binding order created in the online store. If the mode of transport is contracted on the basis of a special request of the consumer, he bears this risk and any additional costs associated with the chosen mode of transport.


6.2. If, according to the consumer contract, the supplier is obliged to deliver the goods to the place specified by the consumer in the binding order, the consumer is obliged to take over the goods upon delivery. If, for reasons on the part of the consumer, it is necessary to deliver the goods repeatedly or in a different way than was specified in the binding order, the consumer is obliged to pay the costs associated with the repeated delivery of the goods, or costs associated with another delivery method.


6.3. The shipment of goods on a standard basis contains a tax document. The price for the delivery of the goods depends on the choice of the method of delivery of the goods specified in the binding order created by the consumer in the online store. This price is payable together with the payment of the price for the goods, unless otherwise agreed between the consumer and the supplier.


6.4. When receiving the goods, the consumer is advised to check the delivered goods. If the consumer discovers damage to the goods, he should take all steps aimed at maximally ensuring his rights (e.g. writing a record of damage to the shipment with the driver of the transport service). In case of refusal to take over the goods delivered on the basis of the consumer's binding order for reasons other than legal reasons, the supplier is entitled to demand compensation from the consumer for the damage that will be caused to the supplier. In the event that the consumer repeatedly fails to pick up the ordered goods at the supplier's premises on the agreed date, the supplier is entitled to withdraw from the consumer contract.


6.5. The consumer can pick up the goods at the delivery date in person at the supplier's premises.


7. Withdrawal from the consumer contract


7.1. When concluding a consumer contract using means of distance communication, the consumer has the right to withdraw from the consumer contract without giving a reason within 14 days from the day of taking over the goods (or receiving other performance according to the content of the contract), while in the event that the subject of the consumer contract is several types of goods or delivery of several parts, this period runs from the date of acceptance of the last delivery of goods. Within the specified period, the consumer must send the supplier an act of negotiation, which is associated with an expression of will aimed at withdrawing from the consumer contract. The consumer may withdraw from the consumer contract in writing to the e-mail address of the supplier or to the address of the company's registered office. According to this provision, the consumer is entitled to use email messages to withdraw from the consumer contract. However, the supplier will always confirm to the consumer the receipt of the notice of withdrawal from the consumer contract without undue delay, by telephone.


7.2. In case of withdrawal from the consumer contract by the consumer in the sense of § 1829 paragraph 1 of the Commercial Code (see clause 7.1 of these terms and conditions), such contract is canceled from the beginning. The right to withdraw from the contract can be used by the consumer without any penalty. All costs related to the return of goods in the event of withdrawal from the consumer contract according to the first sentence of this provision shall be the responsibility of the consumer. The only exception is the procedure where the goods can be returned by regular mail, in which case the cost of such postage is the responsibility of the supplier.


7.3. If the consumer withdraws from the consumer contract (see clause 7.1 of these terms and conditions), he will send or hand over to the supplier without undue delay, no later than fourteen days from the withdrawal from the contract, the goods he received from him. If the consumer withdraws from the consumer contract, the supplier will return to him without undue delay, no later than fourteen days from the withdrawal from the contract, all funds received from him, including the costs of delivering the goods. If the consumer has chosen a different method of delivery of the goods than the cheapest method offered by the supplier, the supplier will refund the cost of delivery of the goods to the consumer in the amount corresponding to the cheapest method of delivery of the goods offered. The supplier will return the money received to the consumer in the same way as he received it from him, in a different way only if the consumer has agreed to it and if it does not incur additional costs. However, the supplier is not obliged to return the received funds to the consumer before the consumer hands over the goods to him or proves that he has sent the goods to the supplier.


7.4. When exercising the right to withdraw from the consumer contract, the goods must be returned in their original packaging, the goods must be returned undamaged, without signs of use, including all accessories (e.g. gifts). In such a case, the customer is entitled to a refund or exchange for other goods. If the consumer uses the satisfaction guarantee service, the consumer is obliged to always return the goods in the original packaging. A proportional part of the price according to the amount of already consumed goods is deducted from the original price of the goods. New, already satisfactory goods are then delivered to the consumer at the value of the thus reduced price.


7.5. The consumer is not entitled to this exchange if it is not delivered in the original packaging and if it concerns goods with a reduced shelf life or perishable goods. In the event of damage to the goods during the time of their possession by the consumer, or if the goods are returned incomplete, the consumer will be required to perform according to the price list listed here, however, this does not affect other claims of the supplier according to the General Terms and Conditions, e.g. the right to compensation for damage or the issuance of unjustified enrichment. Only in the event that the value of the returned goods is reduced for reasons necessary to familiarize yourself with the nature and properties of the goods, including their functionality (unpacking the goods so that their packaging is not unnecessarily damaged and use necessary to familiarize yourself with the nature, properties and functionality of the goods, which, however, does not mean normal use of the goods by the consumer), in a reasonable manner, the supplier is not entitled to performance according to the previous sentence. The supplier is entitled to unilaterally set off the claim for compensation for damage caused to the goods against the consumer's claim for a refund of the purchase price.


7.6. The consumer understands that, according to § 1837 of the Civil Code, he cannot withdraw from the contract of


(i) provision of services, if they were fulfilled with his prior express consent before the expiration of the period for withdrawal from the contract and the supplier informed the consumer before concluding the contract that in such case he does not have the right to withdraw from the contract,

(ii) the delivery of goods that have been modified according to the wishes of the consumer or for his person,


(iii) delivery of perishable goods, as well as goods that have been irretrievably mixed with other goods after delivery,


(iv) delivery of goods in closed packaging, which the consumer has removed from the packaging and for reasons of hygiene it is not possible to return it,


(v) delivery of newspapers, periodicals or magazines.


7.7. If a gift is provided to the consumer together with the goods, the gift contract between the supplier and the consumer is concluded with the discontinuing condition that if the consumer withdraws from the consumer contract, the gift contract regarding such a gift ceases to be effective and the consumer is obliged to return the goods to the supplier together with gift given.


8. Liability for defects, warranty, breach of contract


8.1. Before using the product for the first time, the consumer is strongly recommended to study the documents attached to the product, especially the package leaflets or dosage information, and then strictly follow this information. Otherwise, there is a risk that he will damage the goods through his incorrect use and will not be able to claim the resulting defect within the framework of his right arising from the defects of the goods or the guarantee for the quality of the goods.


8.2. The rights and obligations of the consumer and the supplier in the matter of defective performance are mainly governed by Sections 1914 to 1925, Sections 2099 to 2117 and Sections 2161 to 2174 of the Civil Code.


8.3. The supplier is responsible to the purchasing consumer for the fact that the goods sold are in accordance with the consumer contract, in particular that they are free of defects. Compliance with the consumer contract means that the sold goods have the quality and useful properties required by the contract, described by the supplier, manufacturer or their representative, or expected on the basis of their advertising, or the quality and useful properties usual for a thing of this type, that it meets the requirements of legal regulations , is the corresponding amount, measure or weight and corresponds to the purpose that the seller states for the use of the item or for which the item is usually used.


8.4. The consumer is entitled to exercise the right from a defect that occurs in the consumer goods within twenty-four months of taking them over from the supplier. This does not apply, a) for goods sold at a lower price to a defect for which a lower price was agreed upon, b) to wear and tear of the item caused by its usual use, c) in the case of a used item to a defect corresponding to the degree of use or wear that the item had upon receipt by the purchasing consumer, or d) if it follows from the nature of the matter. Rights from defective performance are exercised by the consumer with the supplier at the address of his place of business or at his registered office. The moment when the claim is applied is considered the moment when the supplier received the claimed goods from the consumer.


8.5. As soon as the consumer discovers a defect, he shall notify the supplier without undue delay and hand over the goods to the supplier, or store them according to his instructions or dispose of them in another appropriate way so that the defect can be examined.


8.6. Further rights and obligations of the parties related to liability for defects are governed by the supplier's complaints procedure.


9. Protection of personal data


9.1. As part of the process of concluding a consumer contract or just by registering in the online store, the consumer voluntarily provides the supplier with the consumer's personal data. The consumer provides the supplier with personal data to the extent resulting from the completed registration form in the online store or from the order for goods made in the online store by the consumer without registration (name, surname, residential address, delivery address, e-mail address and telephone number).


9.2. Personal data of the consumer obtained in accordance with clause 9.1 of these terms and conditions will be processed and stored by the supplier in electronic or printed form, and only for the period absolutely necessary, i.e. in particular for the duration of the legal relationship established by the concluded contract or for the period of validity of the consumer's registration for entering the online trade.


9.3. The consumer understands that he is obliged to provide his personal data accurately and truthfully. The consumer has the right to access his personal data in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Personal Data Protection Act.


9.4. The supplier can entrust a third party as a processor with the processing of the consumer's personal data. Apart from the persons transporting the goods, personal data will not be passed on by the supplier to third parties without the prior consent of the consumer.


9.5. Personal data will be processed in electronic form in an automated manner or in printed form in a non-automated manner.


9.6. The consumer confirms that the personal data provided is accurate and that he has been informed that this is a voluntary provision of personal data.


9.7. In the event that the consumer believes that the supplier or processor (Art. 9.5) is processing his personal data in violation of the protection of the consumer's private and personal life or in violation of the law, especially if the personal data is inaccurate with regard to for the purpose of their processing, may:


(i) ask the seller or processor for an explanation,

(ii) require the seller or the processor to remove the condition thus created.


9.8. The consumer has the right to correct his personal data provided in accordance with clause 9.1 of these terms and conditions. The correction can be made after logging in directly in the "my account" section.

9.9. The consumer is entitled to request information about the processing of his personal data, which corresponds to the supplier's obligation to provide this information to the consumer without undue delay. The supplier has the right to demand a reasonable payment from the consumer for providing the information, not exceeding the costs necessary to provide the information.


9.10. By concluding a consumer contract, registering in an online store or simply browsing the website of an online store, the consumer expresses his consent to the storage of so-called cookie files on his computer. If the conclusion of the consumer contract, as well as the realization of the rights and obligations arising from the concluded consumer contract, would be possible without storing files of so-called cookies on the consumer's computer, the consumer is entitled to revoke the consent in accordance with the previous sentence at any time in writing, either by a note sent to the address of the supplier, or by e-mail sent to the address info@eighty8.cz.

9.11. We process the consumer's personal data due to a legitimate interest for the purpose of:


(i) processing your order;

(ii) sending transactional-emails, which are used to communicate information about the status of the order from its execution to its payment/non-payment;

(iii) we will use your phone number if necessary to clarify the data entered in the order or to ask questions to your satisfaction.


10. Delivery


10.1. Unless otherwise agreed, all correspondence related to the consumer contract must be delivered to the other contracting party in writing, by electronic mail, in person or by registered mail via the postal service operator (at the sender's choice). It is delivered to the consumer to the e-mail address specified in his user account.


10.2. The message is delivered:


(i) in the case of delivery by electronic mail, at the moment of its receipt on the incoming mail server; the integrity of messages sent by electronic mail can be ensured by a certificate,


(ii) in the case of delivery in person or through a postal service operator, by receiving the parcel by the addressee,


(iii) in the case of delivery in person or through a postal service operator, also by refusing to accept the parcel, if the addressee (or the person authorized to accept the parcel on his behalf) refuses to accept the parcel,


(iv) in the case of delivery through a postal service operator, after the expiry of a period of ten (10) days from the date of depositing the parcel and giving the addressee a call to take over the deposited parcel, if the parcel is deposited with the postal service operator, even if the addressee did not learn about the deposit.


11. Other facts


11.1. The consumer acquires ownership of the goods by paying the full price of the goods to the supplier.


11.2. In relation to the consumer, the supplier is not bound by any codes of conduct within the meaning of § 1826 paragraph 1 letter e) OZ.


11.3. Out-of-court handling of consumer complaints is provided by the supplier via the electronic address listed in the header of these terms and conditions. The supplier will send information about handling the consumer's complaint to the consumer's e-mail address.


11.4. The supplier is authorized to provide the performance ordered by the consumer on the basis of a trade license. The trade inspection is carried out by the relevant trade office within its jurisdiction. The Office for Personal Data Protection supervises the area of ​​personal data protection. The Czech Trade Inspection, to a defined extent, supervises compliance with the Consumer Protection Act, among other things.


11.5. The consumer hereby assumes the risk of a change in circumstances within the meaning of § 1765 paragraph 2 of the Code of Civil Procedure.


11.6. The supplier warns the consumer that all goods supplied to the consumer must be used according to the manufacturer's or supplier's instructions. At the same time, however, the goods must be used with the necessary degree of caution.


12. Final Provisions


12.1. By concluding a consumer contract, the consumer confirms that he has familiarized himself with these terms and conditions before concluding it and that he agrees with them.


12.2. The relations between the consumer and the supplier established on the basis of or in connection with the consumer contract are governed by the content of the consumer contract itself, of which these terms and conditions are a part, and by the legal order of the Czech Republic, in particular the Consumer Protection Act and the Consumer Protection Act.


12.3. If the relationship established by the consumer contract contains an international (foreign) element, then the parties agree that the relationship is governed by Czech law. This does not affect consumer rights arising from generally binding legal regulations.


12.4. If any provision of the consumer contract or these terms and conditions is or becomes invalid or ineffective, the provision that is closest in content and purpose to the invalid or ineffective provision shall be used instead. The validity and effectiveness of the other provisions of the consumer contract and these terms and conditions are not affected by this.


12.5. The wording of the terms and conditions may be changed or supplemented by the supplier. This provision does not affect the rights and obligations arising during the effective period of the previous version of the terms and conditions. Any changes to these terms and conditions can only be made in writing.


12.6. The consumer contract, including the terms and conditions, is archived by the supplier in electronic form and is not accessible to third parties.


12.7. The supplier and the consumer undertake to resolve any disputes arising from the consumer contract or in connection with it primarily by amicable means.


12.8. These terms and conditions become valid and effective on 30.09.2019. The supplier reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice.


"In accordance with Section 14, Paragraph 1 of Act No. 634/1992 Coll., Act on Consumer Protection, as amended, the subject of out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes between the consumer and the supplier is the Czech Trade Inspection (www.coi.cz )."


Terms and conditions for persons who do not act as consumers


The above-mentioned business terms and conditions regulate the mutual rights and obligations of the contracting parties arising on the basis of consumer contracts concluded through an online store between the supplier on the one hand and the consumer on the other, or the rights and obligations arising in connection with the said contracts.


However, if a person enters into a purchase contract with a supplier as part of their business activity, or deals with him in any other way, or if the contract with the supplier is concluded by a legal entity, these persons do not act as consumers (hereinafter referred to as "entrepreneur"). In such a case, the terms and conditions above apply to them, but with the following modifications:


Articles 1, 2, 3, 5, 10 and 11 of the terms and conditions shall also apply to contracts entered into and concluded through an online store between a supplier on the one hand and an entrepreneur on the other.


Article 4 of the terms and conditions shall be applied with the understanding that the entrepreneur is obliged to provide the supplier with such data in order to fulfill the purpose of clause 4.4 of the terms and conditions.


Article 6 of the terms and conditions applies, with the fact that the entrepreneur is obliged to check the goods when taking them over (clauses 6.4 and 6.5) in such a way that his rights regarding possible defects in the goods are preserved.


Article 7 of the terms and conditions does not apply to contracts entered into and concluded through an online store between a supplier on the one hand and an entrepreneur on the other. For the avoidance of doubt, it is stated that the entrepreneur is not entitled to withdraw from the concluded contract in the manner specified in Article 7 of the terms and conditions.


Article 8 of the terms and conditions does not apply to contracts entered into and concluded through an online store between a supplier on the one hand and an entrepreneur on the other. In doing so, the legal regulation listed below shall apply:


8.1. Before using the goods for the first time, the entrepreneur is obliged to study the warranty conditions of the goods and then strictly follow this information. In the event that he does not do so and the goods are damaged by improper use, he will not be able to claim the resulting defect within the scope of the right arising from the defects of the goods or the guarantee for the quality of the goods.


8.2. The rights and obligations of entrepreneurs and suppliers in the matter of defective performance are governed by Sections 1914 to 1925, Sections 2099 to 2117 and Sections 2161 to 2174 of the Civil Code (subject to the provisions below). The guarantee for the quality of the goods sold applies only to the extent that is stated for the goods in the online store or in the warranty certificate for the goods, in case of non-uniform adjustment, a shorter period is applied, § 2165 paragraph 1 of the Civil Code does not apply.


8.3. The supplier is responsible to the buyer entrepreneur for the fact that the goods sold are in accordance with the purchase contract without defects.


8.4. The entrepreneur is entitled to exercise the right from a defect that occurs in the goods for the period that is stated for the goods in the online store or in the warranty certificate for the goods, in case of non-uniform adjustment, a shorter period is applied. The shortened period during which rights from defects can be exercised, which is half the legal period, is applied a) to goods sold at a lower price for a defect for which a lower price was agreed, b) to wear and tear of the item caused by its usual use, c) to used items due to a defect corresponding to the degree of use or wear and tear the item had when taken over by the buyer, or d) if this results from the nature of the item. Rights from defective performance are exercised by the entrepreneur at the supplier's address. The moment when the claim is applied is considered the moment when the supplier received the claimed goods from the entrepreneur.


8.5. Rights from defective performance can only be asserted by the entrepreneur at the supplier's address if the rights cannot be asserted directly at the manufacturer of the goods.


8.6. Further rights and obligations of the parties related to liability for defects are governed by the supplier's complaints procedure.


Article 9 of the terms and conditions shall apply in full for entrepreneurs, if they provide the supplier with their personal data, if the entrepreneur does not provide personal data with regard to his legal nature (especially a legal entity), only section 9.6 shall apply. and 9.7. these terms and conditions.


Article 11 of the terms and conditions applies, with the exception that the Act on Consumer Protection does not apply to entrepreneurs.




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